
7/ Growing your ideas

Hello friends,

After nearly a month’s hiatus, I’m back with a new essay about story gardening, which I’m very excited to share it with you. After having not written any articles for several weeks, it feels good to be putting fresh ideas down on the page.

I hope you enjoy it, as well as this week’s collection of links.

Writing Tools


A friend of mine (and supporter of this website) mentioned that she’s tried out Hemingway, another grammar checking app, which I don’t remember recommending yet. This one is unique because it focuses specifically on style, which means it will catch your meandering sentences, weak phrasing, and passive voice.

Writing Help


I loved this article by Byrne Hobart on networking for the introvert, a challenge for many writers.

His solution is to become micro-famous by writing articles (or perhaps books) that others want to talk to you about and effectively outsourcing the extroversion to them.”

At least in my mind, the other benefit is the shift of trying less to write the bestseller and instead focus on the smallest viable audience.

Generating Ideas

This article is a wonderful collection of techniques to generate ideas and embrace your obsessions. I think this pairs nicely with my essay on idea gardening and the slip-box.

Writing Ideas

Notes on Notes

This essay on footnotes (or is it a collection of them) is both frustrating and moving. Whether its the articulation on the winding paths of footnotes, its argument for the difficult read (I gave up on Infinite Jest about a third of the way through, but this essay gives me pause to reconsider), or the personal nature of it all, I was drawn down its winding paths.

The Reading

There are so many wonderful newsletters out there for writers, and I thought I’d share ones that I discover. This first useful one is The Reading from Yanyi, which answers short questions on the craft and industry of writing.

Fun Stuff

Eating your book

This is one unique approach to promoting a book.

Merlin Sheldrake did a video of himself eating the mushrooms that sprouted from his book, Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, & Shape Our Futures.

They were delicious: I couldn’t taste any off notes, which suggests that the fungus had fully metabolised the text.

Oh my!

Up next 6/ Tools of the Trade Hello friends, Now that I am deep into teaching, I thought this week would be an excellent opportunity to share some of the tools to help authors Story Gardening A favourite topic of discussion amongst the #writingcommunity on Twitter is whether you are a pantser or a plotter. A pantser writes with no plan,
Latest posts Dealing with the Jealousy Alarm Why the new stories lately? Mud Pot “What the hell is going on?” 24/ Where I’ve been Creation, not consumption Getting Older and Slower Coming back to work 23/ Stretched thin and moving forward The Rule of Threes, Conflict, and Starting Your Story 22/ Blogging is my Hobby More than One Want Old Posts Why is this particular character on this journey? Breaking the Website, Breaking the Book Story Maps You’ll get through it 100 Attempts My March Challenge Becoming a Streamer Make your story (and marketing) rhyme What I want to do around here On Canoeing Reader Error The Continuum of Long Term Listen for the music Imposter Syndrome 21/ Tiny Notes Notes on “The Calculus of Grit” Tea Time Log Jams and the Creativity Faucet