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Imposter Syndrome Feb 5, 2021 Teaching Back in 2021, when I was the Writer-in-Residence at the Regina Public Library, I was asked to speak at a writer’s conference. I remember this Experience with Tools Dec 16, 2020 Teaching I’ve noticed recently how we give students the tools to do the work, but we don’t spend enough time teaching them how to use it. It can’t be only a Tales End, Story Cubes, Nicole Donut, and Learning Nov 11, 2020 Teaching I have never played RPGs (although my kids have), but Tales’ End, recommended by Morgan, my TA, is intriguing. Focused on storytelling and Teach to Learn Aug 30, 2020 Teaching “In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn.” ― Phil Collins Next week, I return to the (virtual) classroom to teach another David’s Class Review - Winter 2015 Apr 28, 2015 Teaching For the past few months, I’ve been teaching scriptwriting. This was my fifth time teaching the class at the university level, but also my eighth The Broken Manifesto Dec 1, 2011 Teaching This is a summary of my semester, a manifesto of sorts, that was required to be presented in two classes. I thought I would share and post for my The Cause and Effect in Shots Oct 22, 2011 Teaching joshwilliamsfilms: I bet you didn’t know The Dark Knight was this visually inconsistent. I push my students to think about cause and effect in (be productive) x (do the stuff you love) Oct 22, 2011 Teaching I have been hearing the rumblings from some students about their problems with time management, so I thought I would throw some thoughts out. I am From a Student Mar 5, 2011 Teaching I got this email from a student: This was a tough assignment, and one that I’ve been bitching loudly about for the past week - and perhaps loudest The Process Police Apr 18, 2010 Teaching From the 52 Weeks of UX The “Process Police”, people who go around espousing their preferred process as the right way to do things…as if those who The power of small groups Mar 3, 2010 Teaching Matt, from 37signals, quotes British author Antony Jay on the benefits of working with small groups: “The basic unit is [a group] which varies from