
24/ Where I’ve been

A drawing of a hand holding a compass Drawing by Anna Gane, based on photo by Ethan Sykes. 

Hi there,

This is my first newsletter in over six weeks, so I thought I’d keep it light. Here are five things I’m sharing this week:

  1. Where I’ve been.

  2. Getting older and slower.

  3. From 68 bits of unsolicited advice: Hatred is a curse. It only poisons the hater. Release a grudge as if it was a poison.”

  4. I am not the only one thinking rethinking my approach to books and publishing: The one where writing books is not really a good idea from Elle Griffin.

  5. My favourite bit from this list of writing advice from Annie Dillard:

    Faulkner wrote As I Lay Dying in six weeks . . . Some people lift cars, too. Some people enter week-long dog-sled races, go over Niagara Falls in barrels, fly planes through the Arc de Triomphe. Some people feel no pain in childbirth. Some people eat cars. There is no call to take human extremes as norms.”

That’s it for this week. It means the world to me that you subscribe to this email. I always look forward to sending it out—even if it takes me a few days.



If you want to help support what I do, consider purchasing one of my books at Counios & Gane.

The Shepherd and Wolfe mysteriesThe Shepherd and Wolfe mysteries

Up next Creation, not consumption As I’ve worked on rebuilding habits and getting back to work, I’ve had to remind myself of a mantra that I picked a while ago: Creation, not “What the hell is going on?” “We only have a few seconds to get done and out of here. “ “What do you mean?” “The story ends in four hundred words and that’s it.” “Shit. So is
Latest posts Dealing with the Jealousy Alarm Why the new stories lately? Mud Pot “What the hell is going on?” 24/ Where I’ve been Creation, not consumption Getting Older and Slower Coming back to work 23/ Stretched thin and moving forward The Rule of Threes, Conflict, and Starting Your Story 22/ Blogging is my Hobby More than One Want Old Posts Why is this particular character on this journey? Breaking the Website, Breaking the Book Story Maps You’ll get through it 100 Attempts My March Challenge Becoming a Streamer Make your story (and marketing) rhyme What I want to do around here On Canoeing Reader Error The Continuum of Long Term Listen for the music Imposter Syndrome 21/ Tiny Notes Notes on “The Calculus of Grit” Tea Time Log Jams and the Creativity Faucet