
Write Bad Stuff

The stakes of creating bad stuff are zero. No one gets harmed and there are a couple advantages in creating it.

It no longer takes up mental energy in your head. It has been allowed to breath and has proven that it doesn’t have the life to sustain itself. With it gone, it now clears the way for new growth.

Also, you learn from it. Creating bad stuff shows you the path to growth. Nothing teaches you your weaknesses faster than putting them on paper.

Finally, it may not be all bad. By not writing, you are perpetuating the myth that you are going to write bad stuff. By putting it on paper, you will also discover your strengths.

Quit wasting time and energy and start writing today.

Up next Enjoy It Don’t be a slave to your creativity. It doesn’t own you. It doesn’t define you. It doesn’t make you more or less of who you are. Don’t be in fear of Reiterate and Refine Whatever you are working on right now is not your final version. The only final version that exists is the one that is bought, paid for, and is
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