
Digital Gardens and Note-taking

A part of me is playing with embedding another set of notes on this website, that references core concepts and ideas. It would be a little like Zettelkasten (or slip-box notes), which was developed by German sociologist Niklas Luhmann who used his note-taking system to publish around 70 books.

There are often passing references here in DDJ, that I want to develop into a more permanent note—something separate and not attached to the rest of the cruft that builds up on these pages. The idea would be then to link to specific notes in order to give a deeper dive on things and better define some of my ideas and interests.

Up next A city is not a tree and WOARO I really was interested in this post from Austin Kleon for two reasons. The first is about Joseph Meeker’s The Comedy of Survival, which I haven’t 15/ The 5 Writing Books That Defined My Writing Journey Instead of making a top 5 list of my favourite books, I decided to figure out the 5 books that built me as a writer. I thought this would be a lot
Latest posts Dealing with the Jealousy Alarm Why the new stories lately? Mud Pot “What the hell is going on?” 24/ Where I’ve been Creation, not consumption Getting Older and Slower Coming back to work 23/ Stretched thin and moving forward The Rule of Threes, Conflict, and Starting Your Story 22/ Blogging is my Hobby More than One Want Old Posts Why is this particular character on this journey? Breaking the Website, Breaking the Book Story Maps You’ll get through it 100 Attempts My March Challenge Becoming a Streamer Make your story (and marketing) rhyme What I want to do around here On Canoeing Reader Error The Continuum of Long Term Listen for the music Imposter Syndrome 21/ Tiny Notes Notes on “The Calculus of Grit” Tea Time Log Jams and the Creativity Faucet