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David Gane
Reiterate and Refine Feb 27, 2009 Writing Notes Whatever you are working on right now is not your final version. The only final version that exists is the one that is bought, paid for, and is Write Bad Stuff Feb 26, 2009 Writing Notes The stakes of creating bad stuff are zero. No one gets harmed and there are a couple advantages in creating it. It no longer takes up mental energy Enjoy It Feb 25, 2009 Writing Notes Don’t be a slave to your creativity. It doesn’t own you. It doesn’t define you. It doesn’t make you more or less of who you are. Don’t be in fear of The Love Post Feb 16, 2009 Personal (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) You are in a relationship with your writing. Is it a bad one or a good one? A bad What’s your reason for not writing? Feb 14, 2009 Writing Notes (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) I want to toss this out and I am hoping you participate. What is your reason you aren’t The Simple Fact Feb 13, 2009 Writing Notes The original goal of this blog is simple: I want you to write. My belief is that the reason you’re not writing is an excuse. Every time I write a Writing and Writing Well Feb 12, 2009 Writing Notes (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) It’s easy to confuse these two. When you want to tell a story, you want to write, and you “I don’t think it’s working” Feb 10, 2009 Writing Notes (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) How often have you started a script and it doesn’t feel quite right and you feel Possibility Feb 1, 2009 Writing Notes Yes, someone could hate your work. They might tell you it stinks, that you have no understanding of story, structure, character, plot, or dialogue. I am telling you what you already know Feb 1, 2009 Writing Notes (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) You already know that you should be writing. You already know that you are making excuses. Writing Books Jan 30, 2009 Writing Notes How many writing books have you read? How about blogs? How much help have they been? Have you written more because of them? Have you started writing Stop Being an Idiot Jan 30, 2009 Writing Notes (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) Do you want to write? Then do it. Quit making excuses. Quit telling yourself and the Stop Being an Idiot Jan 30, 2009 Writing Notes (Before you read, here is a note from David in Feb 2021.) Do you want to write? Then do it. Quit making excuses. Quit telling yourself and the Why are you writing? Jan 29, 2009 Writing Notes List ten reasons why you write and be honest. Rank them in importance from 1 to 10, with #1 being the most important. Now, take #1 away. Where does Your Next Action Jan 20, 2009 Writing Notes You read a quote that you like, that tells you to write. It excites you and catches your passion. You star it, you heart it, you favorite it, you Now Jan 20, 2009 Writing Notes Write today. Write tomorrow. Write every day. Don’t make excuses anymore. Don’t stop after the first week, the first month, the first year, or the The In-Between Time Jan 19, 2009 Writing Notes When you are done your writing for the day, stop. Don’t carry your computer or notepad around with the hope that you will be blessed with that The Void Jan 9, 2009 Writing Notes “I want to write.” You think about it all the time. You write it in your journal, you think about when you are unhappy at work, and you tell those The Creative Habit Jan 8, 2009 Writing Notes I just finished Twyla Tharp’s book The Creative Habit where I found this: “Being blocked is most often a failure of nerve, with only one solution: Let’s Bake a Cake Jan 5, 2009 Writing Notes Let’s bake a cake. We’ll be a little bit more specific and make it a basic chocolate one. Out of the five recipes I look up, one uses just over a Next page