Today (part 2)
Jan 1, 2009
Writing Notes
Start with one page. If you you want to write, then write. Quit lying to yourself. The reason you tell yourself you can’t write is an excuse. Cut
1 Page equals 3 Scripts
Dec 31, 2008
Writing Notes
If you aren’t writing and you want to be, this is what you need to do. Tomorrow, start the new year by writing one page of a story. It will take 15
The Pain of a Mistake
Dec 31, 2008
It hurts. Feel it, learn from it, and make lots more of them. You become great, little by little, through constant iteration
Screw up
Dec 30, 2008
Back when I was working in a movie theatre and learning to run the projector, I was given a great bit of advice. I was told that once I got past the
Just Write
Dec 29, 2008
Writing Notes
If I have one goal, it is for you to write. There are no real secrets anymore. The information can be found online and free. If you don’t trust it,
Resisting Structure
Dec 24, 2008
Writing Notes
Acts are containers to hold your story. If you are using Classical Act form, you have 4 containers. Now add another container or take one away. You
Quit Making Excuses
Dec 23, 2008
Writing Notes
Which of these would you rather be? The person who has a “Great Idea” and tells everyone about it and says that one day he is going to write it. or
Your Choice
Dec 18, 2008
Writing Notes
There is no simpler way for me to tell you this: If you want to write, you can do it. It’s up to you. I hear a lot of reasons why people don’t
Breaking the Story
Dec 16, 2008
Writing Notes
Here are two resources to break your story and get writing: Blake Snyder’s 15 Point Beat Sheet Pilar Alessandra’s On the Page Another one is to map
The Irving
Dec 15, 2008
Writing Notes
You can write a script in a week but it doesn’t mean you should. The in-between time of a writing session are often your most creative. You push
2 Years
Dec 11, 2008
Writing Notes
You have an idea. Great. Get to work. Give yourself a 10 day deadline to build the structure. As Derek Sivers, CD Baby founder said, “If you’ve got
Flirting with Breaks
Dec 10, 2008
Jonah Lehrer wrote in Music Patterns, and Sine Waves: “music is defined by its flirtation with—but not submission to—our expectations of order.”
The First Thing to Go
Dec 9, 2008
Writing Notes
If you are writing every day, the first thing that happens is that you go very quickly through all those wonderful ideas that you have been holding
Why are you still trying to write?
Dec 8, 2008
Writing Notes
Maybe you weren’t meant to write. That’s alright. I understand. Just pack up your stuff and go home. “But…” “Wait.” “No.” “It’s what I dream about
Friday Links - December 5, 2008
Dec 5, 2008
Scrumy Intended as a project management tool, I thought it could be used as a way to outline your script. A similar app is the fantastic Backpack
This is for when there is nothing
Dec 4, 2008
Writing Notes
Write. Do the work. This is a part of the practice of becoming a writer. It is about making the mistakes and writing ugly stuff. It is about
Why the Writer Crossed the Road
Dec 3, 2008
Writing Notes
Wil Shipley said on MacBreak Weekly that while he was listening to Malcolm Gladwell’s new book “Outliers”that he wondered when he passed his 10
A Part of the Process
Dec 2, 2008
Writing Notes
How do you know when it’s not working? How do you know when you are struggling and you just need to get out of your own way to make it work?
Life Work
Dec 1, 2008
Writing Notes
I am starting to feel like a broken record but I am going to keep at it while I know that there are the stragglers out there. Why aren’t you doing
Friday Links
Dec 1, 2008
Here are some links of things I have caught my interest, as of late: I Wrote a 120 Page Script But Can’t Write a Logline: The Construction of a
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