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David Gane
2. Confidently start work. Aug 24, 2009 Writing Notes I love this list of ten “mental rules” for solving puzzles that Andrew Bonventre found in the book Solve it! by James F. Fixx. I think numbers 2, 5, Too Much May 14, 2009 Writing Notes There is a line you have to be careful not to cross once you move past writer’s block and get going again. It is the line of doing too much. Once Knowing Your Limits May 1, 2009 Writing Notes So often, the talk that surrounds writing is about doing the work and extending your skill, craft, and abilities. Something freeing that I have Good Journeys May 1, 2009 Writing Notes I have been thinking about you, my reader, a lot lately. I want you to be writing. I want you to be overcoming the fears that may be holding you The Genius of Later Apr 27, 2009 Writing Notes Your first pass of a story is the closed-door session. It is the story session. It is about you listening and writing what you hear. The challenge Herb Kelleher on Strategic Plans Apr 16, 2009 Personal We have a strategic plan, it’s called doing things. Herb Kelleher from Southwest Airlines, via swissmiss To you, the one not writing Apr 15, 2009 Writing Notes There are no tricks. You likely know the basic rules. Reading a bunch of books won’t help you start. You need to start writing. Do it lots and do it Priorities and Sacrafice Apr 7, 2009 Writing Notes What do you sacrifice when you get too busy? A lot of people make the excuse that they don’t have the time to write but find plenty of time to do Get Out of Your Own Way Apr 2, 2009 Writing Notes The worst thing you can do as a writer is to start second-guessing your decisions. It leads to fear, worry, and eventually blocking up. When The Most Important Step Mar 27, 2009 Writing Notes The biggest challenge when you begin to write is to get past the notion that things are supposed to look a certain way. Often, the questions Remarkable Stories Mar 24, 2009 Writing Notes Be willing to dream big. Push out the incredible stories that you have locked inside. Don’t let your remarkable stories be lost. Write today When we lose faith, we forget Mar 23, 2009 Writing Notes If you are a writer, one of the best feelings in the world amounts to either one of these: Tapping at the keys on your keyboard Moving a pen over The Only Choice Mar 19, 2009 Writing Notes Here is your choice: Write or don’t write. If you want to be a writer, this is a no-brainer but why is it people who say they want to write don’t do Timing Mar 15, 2009 Writing Notes When the stories are not going, it may not be the time for to write it. It could also be that you are avoiding it because you are scared of screwing The Right Time Mar 10, 2009 Writing Notes Are you waiting for the right time to pursue your creativity? How about more time? Or more money? Maybe, you are waiting for a different job? Are Finishing Mar 9, 2009 Writing Notes Not finishing the script, story, or book is almost the same as having an idea that you never write. It takes up space in your head as you think and Sink or Swim Mar 4, 2009 Writing Notes You want to write but you aren’t writing. You’re in the water and not getting out but you aren’t swimming either. You’re sitting in the shallow end, Your one big, huge talent Mar 3, 2009 Writing Notes If you truly feel that writing is your talent but you are not doing the work, then quit making excuses. Don’t waste another second. Sit down and The Greatest Fail Mar 2, 2009 Writing Notes No one sets out to suck. You try your best and you see where you end up. But what if you flipped it and tried to do the worst story possible. Toss “It’s not there” Feb 28, 2009 Writing Notes The question is never: “Do you have anything to write?” It is: “Do you want to write?” If you do, sit down at the page and write. Starting out, Next page