David Gane
Dealing with the Jealousy Alarm May 27, 2021 Personal If you are like me, you get jealousy when you see others getting the success that you want. But I saw a tweet this morning that made me a find a Why the new stories lately? May 25, 2021 Writing Notes If you are a regular visitor, I’m sure you’ve noticed that something new has been happening around here. There’s been two new stories that have Mud Pot May 25, 2021 Stories The mud puddle had appeared by the crab apple orchard in the morning, right before the farmer had gone to church. By the time he’d returned, it was “What the hell is going on?” May 24, 2021 Stories “We only have a few seconds to get done and out of here. “ “What do you mean?” “The story ends in four hundred words and that’s it.” “Shit. So is 24/ Where I’ve been May 21, 2021 Newsletters Drawing by Anna Gane, based on photo by Ethan Sykes. Hi there, This is my first newsletter in over six weeks, so I thought I’d keep it light. Here Creation, not consumption May 20, 2021 Personal As I’ve worked on rebuilding habits and getting back to work, I’ve had to remind myself of a mantra that I picked a while ago: Creation, not Getting Older and Slower May 19, 2021 Personal One thing I’ve noticed over the past few years is I’m getting slower when running. And despite knowing this fact, I can’t change it. Trying to push Coming back to work May 18, 2021 Personal Hello. It’s been a while. I’m supposed to be doing a newsletter right now. It’s half-finished and sort of long, but while I was journalling this 23/ Stretched thin and moving forward Apr 1, 2021 Newsletters Hello there, March has come and gone, and I’m another year older. I celebrated my second lockdown birthday last Sunday, but I can’t complain. I The Rule of Threes, Conflict, and Starting Your Story Mar 11, 2021 Writing Notes I have a student who works in comedy, and we recently had a nice conversation about the rule of threes. The essence of the rule is that any slogan, 22/ Blogging is my Hobby Mar 6, 2021 Newsletters Hello there, Yes, I’m running behind—but not that I haven’t tried to get this newsletter out the door. This draft is my fifth try at it, and to get More than One Want Mar 1, 2021 Writing Notes Story is driven by a character wanting something. But that doesn’t mean they have only one want. They can have multiple wants and the pursuit of Old Posts Feb 27, 2021 Personal Something I’ve been wanting to do lately is bringing back some of my posts from old blogs. Long ago, I had a Tumblr, and then a Scriptogram (which Why is this particular character on this journey? Feb 26, 2021 Writing Notes “A story is unique to your protagonist. There is a unique journey—a reason why you, the master of the universe here, has put this character on this Breaking the Website, Breaking the Book Feb 22, 2021 Personal I’ve spent a lot of time the past few days fixing the website. It all started a few weeks ago when I decided to try a new email provider. The one I Story Maps Feb 19, 2021 Writing Notes This week, I began reading Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer by Peter Turchi. I really like his idea of considering how “artistic You’ll get through it Feb 16, 2021 Writing Notes For a long time I’ve said that writer’s block is BS. It is simply fear and uncertainty and not some impenetrable barrier that can’t be breached. But 100 Attempts Feb 12, 2021 Personal People who try writing their first novel often complain how hard it is. Just because you write regularly, doesn’t make it any easier to write My March Challenge Feb 12, 2021 Personal At the end of March (all depending on when we finish the next Counios & Gane book), I’m doing a year-long challenge: to write a new project each Becoming a Streamer Feb 12, 2021 Personal Although I’ve been thinking about today’s main post for a while, it wasn’t until I watched this video from Ludwig, I decided to finally post it.
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