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David Gane
4 Day Challenge - Day 1 Sep 10, 2007 Personal Today I started the 4 day challenge. My goal is to write the first draft of a 120 page script in 4 days. I ended at page 25 today. When I originally 4 Day Challenge - Day 1 Sep 10, 2007 Personal Today I started the 4 day challenge. My goal is to write the first draft of a 120 page script in 4 days. I ended at page 25 today. When I originally Easy Sep 3, 2007 Personal “Don’t worry. We’ll get another one.” — My son’s response after breaking a $20 glass at the art gallery How my wife feels about me sometimes Aug 31, 2007 Personal “Honey, your weirdness is just too early in the morning.” Honesty Aug 18, 2007 Personal Anna: I am so proud of you. David: For what? Being honest and admitting I was lying to you? Anna: Yeah, but I don’t know what you’re talking The Movie Experience Aug 16, 2007 Personal My wife and I went to the local Galaxy Theatre the other day to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I hated the book but I was really Look at that tree… Jul 31, 2007 Writing Notes ” …it is the protagonist of all arts; it is an ideal structure of an action. Upward movement sideways resistance balance and growth.” Imagine Overheard from Anna this weekend Jul 25, 2007 Personal Anna: I’ll hit you in the butt-stop. (Originally posted on 8secondsofawesome.com.) Ignorance and my first Big Turk (*Low in Fat) Jul 25, 2007 Personal Kerry: Look, their now in modules. Like little turds. Me, spitting it into the garbage. Charlene: It tastes like old socks? Me: Dipped in Reminded Why I Love Buying Used Books Jul 17, 2007 Personal Found in the first few pages of The Tao of Pooh: to S-F: hi. hello. haven’t we met before? I mean prior to the encounter in the line-up. where we Anna trying to comprehend the summer blockbuster Jul 9, 2007 Personal “People like making explosion movies?” Overheard at a birthday party Jul 5, 2007 Personal I am so totally getting cremated. They haven’t proven we don’t feel pain after death. You know, it really wouldn’t hurt my feelings if I didn’t have Sean and Leane: Can you respond to this? Jun 6, 2007 Personal Anna: The house is broken. Peter: It tipped over. Anna: That’s why we have cracks in the wall. (Originally posted on 8secondsofawesome.com.) Pete’s solution May 29, 2007 Personal Anna’s balloon floated away. Pete came up with a plan: “I could ride the kitty and get Anna’s balloon. That’s a good idea.” (Originally posted on My solution to any problem May 29, 2007 Personal Kate: Our fridge is dying. It’s now making a whirring, buzzing sound. David: Have you kicked it? (Sound of kicking) Kate: Nope. Didn’t work Script Frenzy May 27, 2007 Writing Notes is looking for someone to do 20,000 words. I am at 3779 words at the moment and starting page 20. So they are asking for 100 pages The Peter Elbow Challenge May 23, 2007 Writing Notes Peter Elbow discusses in “Writing Without Teachers” the developmental model on the writing process. His thought is to write it four times, not once, Everyone can know more May 23, 2007 Personal Me: I’ve got to fight for my right not to Facebook. You: Me too. It’s too annoying. Later. Me: I think that is a good thumbnail of my life. You: Me playing the romantic May 21, 2007 Personal “I feel like crap.” - my wife “You look shitty.” - me (Originally posted on 8secondsofawesome.com.) Flagpole Sitta by Connected Ventures May 18, 2007 Personal 4 minutes and 24 seconds of awesome. (Originally posted on 8secondsofawesome.com.) Next page