The devil is in the details
Oct 7, 2011
Writing Notes
Simply stating it’s a glass of wine is not enough. There’s a big difference between a $500 bottle of Haut Brion and two-dollar Night Train. The
Twitter is like a river…
Oct 7, 2011
Twitter is like a river … you can step into it at any point and feel the water, bathe in it, frolic if you like … and then get out. And go back in
To understand what I did.
Oct 7, 2011
“Why had he been so eager, during close to 50 interviews and conversations over the course of two years, to open up so much for a book when he was
On subtext
Oct 6, 2011
Writing Notes
The more you believe that no one can read the subtext of your actions, the more likely they have figured you out spot on
The Eulogy for my dad, Charles Gane
Oct 6, 2011
My dad passed away at the start of this summer from Alzheimer’s and I did the eulogy. I’d like to thank everyone, family and friends, who have come
Jared Gyoerick on the moment
Oct 5, 2011
Writing Notes
Stories can begin and end within small units — a short story can be contained within a singular moment. -Jared Gyoerick
A Redditor commenting on the passing of Steve Jobs
Oct 5, 2011
One man who knew what he was doing, and did it well. Asteroid Juice This is a real lovely way to remember him. Like so many others, I didn’t
Nirav Christophe on the moment
Sep 27, 2011
Writing Notes
I will be working on the basis of the small units, the event, the moment, the conversation, the monologue. — Nirav Christophe, Writing in the Raw
Writing from reality
Sep 24, 2011
Writing Notes
Does writing drawn from reality lessen the quality of the writing? Does writer seem less talented than when they invent situation and character? It
Andrew Byrom on constraints
Sep 23, 2011
Looking for constraints in a different medium or a different process and I applying to rules that I had mastered is how I developed since then.
Sep 20, 2011
Writing Notes
No matter how hard you try, you reader won’t get all the ideas, plot, and intentions that you put into your story. This can be dangerous. It can
Eric Kim on Henri Cartier-Bresson
Sep 18, 2011
Eric Kim discusses what we can learn about photography from Henri Cartier-Bresson: Don’t only see the world as it is, look for shapes and geometry
The Sum Total of Choices and Decisions
May 27, 2011
I have found that all positions men take in their beliefs are profoundly influenced by thousands of small, often imperceptible experiences that
Excuse me while I go have nightmares
May 27, 2011
Jellyfish Lake, Palau (by Sarosh Jacob)
David Jury on Rules
May 27, 2011
Rules can be broken — but never ignored. David Jury via Quotes on Design
Adam Gopnik on contraptions
May 25, 2011
Contraptions don’t change consciousness; contraptions are part of consciousness. Adam Gopnik, How The Internet Gets Inside Us
Mental Movies
May 23, 2011
Scientists have developed a method for reconstructing the mind’s mental movies: Via laughingsquid
Kent Nichols on audience
May 10, 2011
Writing Notes
The first and biggest hurdle today is actually finding an audience and building a relationship with them so that they will
Sounds familiar
May 10, 2011
From Manton Reece During recording: Great!This will be our best show yet. Hours later: I wish I had said “X” instead of “Y”. The next day:
On craft
May 9, 2011
Writing Notes
If you practice the art of making things, that’s just as important as making anything worthwhile. I like the craft of making; it’s important to
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