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David Gane
Tiny Tilt-Shift Athens Dec 8, 2011 Personal A short tilt-shift tour of the ancient city, by Emmanouil Papadopoulos. I love seeing places on the internet that I actually know my way around How the Cosmonaut is Made Dec 5, 2011 Personal I am very excited. Via Studio Neat The Broken Manifesto Dec 1, 2011 Teaching This is a summary of my semester, a manifesto of sorts, that was required to be presented in two classes. I thought I would share and post for my Jason Fried on mornings Dec 1, 2011 Personal Things that look good at the end of the day often don’t look good the next Jason Fried Little Printer Nov 29, 2011 Personal This doesn’t come out until 2012 so it gives me time to save up my dimes. Say hello to Little Printer (BERG) via TechCrunch A little of column A, B, and C Nov 8, 2011 Personal Lately, I either take an already hard assignment and restrict it, making it harder for myself, or I take two assignments and combine them in two Tiny Homes as Punk Rock Oct 30, 2011 Personal I love this guy’s attitude! I would love to build something like this. Tiny homes as punk rock: freedom from codes & loans (by kirstendirksen) Don’t Make it Suck: Clarity and the Reader Oct 29, 2011 Writing Notes Via Natasha: Recently, I was talking to a classmate who said that, regardless of the many different readings and analyses of stories that are made, On the step after failing Oct 28, 2011 Personal You regroup and start hustling again, but it’s crucial that you believe in your own creative processes. Don’t put all your best songs on the first The Test and the Call Oct 27, 2011 Personal Moyers: What’s the significance of the trials, and tests, and ordeals of the hero? Campbell: If you want to put it in terms of intentions, the Clean lines of action Oct 22, 2011 Writing Notes I push my students to think about cause and effect in their scenes and scripts. When the action we read is convoluted, we stop and go back to try (be productive) x (do the stuff you love) Oct 22, 2011 Teaching I have been hearing the rumblings from some students about their problems with time management, so I thought I would throw some thoughts out. I am The Cause and Effect in Shots Oct 22, 2011 Teaching joshwilliamsfilms: I bet you didn’t know The Dark Knight was this visually inconsistent. I push my students to think about cause and effect in Writing is an action Oct 21, 2011 Writing Notes So a recap: In a blog post about what defines one as a “Writer”, Natasha said: I would say that I am a person who enjoys creative writing, but no What makes a writer? Oct 17, 2011 Writing Notes A girl in our class said she had a painting on display in a cafe somewhere, so did that make her an artist? “No.” His opinion is that the closer Dr. Peter King on the Chronotope Oct 10, 2011 Writing Notes The chronotope: the singular linkage of time and place — how place is always a place in time — and how this creates the significance of memories of Bakhtin on the Chronotope Oct 10, 2011 Writing Notes Time, as it were, thickens, takes on flesh, becomes artistically visible; likewise, space becomes charged and responsive to the movements of time, What’s the difference… Oct 10, 2011 Personal …between nature as a reflection of our personal feelings and nature as a participant in suffering (or other emotions)? Is there one? Is putting a Hemingway on trying Oct 8, 2011 Writing Notes For a true writer each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. He should always try for Writing is a response to life Oct 7, 2011 Writing Notes Reading Kelli’s blog, I came across this: My Honour’s project supervisor believes that writing is at its best when it comes from a place of Next page