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David Gane
Digital Gardens and Note-taking Nov 21, 2020 Personal A part of me is playing with embedding another set of notes on this website, that references core concepts and ideas. It would be a little like A city is not a tree and WOARO Nov 20, 2020 Writing Notes I really was interested in this post from Austin Kleon for two reasons. The first is about Joseph Meeker’s The Comedy of Survival, which I haven’t Friday Links - Nov 20, 2020 Nov 20, 2020 Newsletters Caption: Approaches to teaching 15 Simple Screenplay Rules You Need to Know Screenwriting Basics: The Keys to Writing Correct Scene Headings The An exercise in values Nov 19, 2020 Writing Notes My students are working on theme this week. I said how theme isn’t just war or love or jealousy but must include a value statement: (Topic) is A Slip-box for Fiction Nov 17, 2020 Writing Notes When I’ve been playing with the DDJ, I’m thinking a lot about the idea of a slip-box, which is a note-taking system also known as zettelkasten, Know the rule to break it Nov 17, 2020 Personal A while back had this line of dialogue come my way: “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, up to you.” The line bothered me because 14/ Weekly Dispatch - Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020 Newsletters Dicey columns for proper address. Creating a Satisfying and Artistic Reveal Nov 14, 2020 Writing Notes Yesterday’s problem and essay got me thinking about Keith Johnstone’s 1979 book Impro. He talks about reincorporation and the idea of reintroducing Exploration of ideas Nov 14, 2020 Personal David from the future: David’s Daily Marginalia (also called David’s Daily Journal) is now defunct. See the 20/ New Directions newsletter for more Recognition and action Nov 13, 2020 Writing Notes This week, I’ve been trying to work through a reveal, where one character has to discover information that they weren’t even aware existed. The If you think it’s ugly now… Nov 13, 2020 Personal If you look through design history and you see something that looks really radical, that’s what you’re going to be doing now. If you think that’s Friday Links - Nov 13, 2020 Nov 13, 2020 Newsletters Merriam Webster has a tool to find out when a word was first in print. Squibbler is a writing app that makes your writing disappear (like Tales End, Story Cubes, Nicole Donut, and Learning Nov 11, 2020 Teaching I have never played RPGs (although my kids have), but Tales’ End, recommended by Morgan, my TA, is intriguing. Focused on storytelling and Waves, Life, and Death Nov 9, 2020 Personal I want to share two notes. The first I found after watching the final season of The Good Place. This isn’t a quote from the show, but a quote from Engaging with my website Nov 9, 2020 Personal The strangest thing that has started to occur is that I have started engaging with my own website more, searching for things I posted over the past Daily Journals leading to Digital Gardens Nov 9, 2020 Personal One of my hopes to do with these daily journals is to start creating my own digital garden of ideas. I have a collection of notes that I have The value of holding onto your links Nov 8, 2020 Personal David from the future: David’s Daily Journal (DDJ) is now defunct. See the 20/ New Directions newsletter for more information. I think I’ve 13/ Daily Writing Nov 8, 2020 Newsletters A cathedral of books and some tools to help you write one of them. More reflections on David’s Daily Journal Nov 7, 2020 Personal David from the future: David’s Daily Journal is now defunct. See the 20/ New Directions newsletter for more information. After yesterday’s David’s Friday Links - Nov 6, 2020 Nov 6, 2020 Newsletters The Lost Cities of Geo from 99% Invisible Have you watched The Queen’s Gambit yet? I’ve watched it twice and love it. Retro Recipes is a stroll down Next page